Wednesday, April 1, 2015

For the Love of Coffee

Raise your hand if you are like me and most days you need two cups of coffee before you want anyone to even attempt to talk to you? Yep, that is me for sure. I started my love affair with coffee about six years ago. Of course, like a lot of first-time coffee drinkers, I had more sugar and cream than coffee in my cup.  Over time my taste buds have evolved and matured, but I still am more of a "sweet coffee" drinker rather than "strong coffee" drinker. But you know what - I enjoy trying new coffee creamer flavors, and brands. One brand in particular has been a steady go-to for me though and that is International Delight. Recently I had the opportunity to try International Delight's new Sugar & Fat Free creamer for free through BzzAgent. BzzAgent is a company that partners with other brand companies to have products tested in return for "bzz" about the product and for honest feedback. I have been a BzzMember since 2011. BzzAgent sent me coupons in the mail- one to get a free quart of the new creamer, and several dollar-off coupons to hand out to those I spoke with about the product.

I chose Caramel Creme as my flavor of choice for the sugar and fat free creamer. Let me start by saying the flavor was wonderful. Creamy, simple caramel flavor. I was pretty excited that the calorie count was 50% less than regular creamer.  That was tempting on its own to try the creamer. However, in the end, the missing "sugar" just was not sweet enough for me.  I tried to add sugar to my coffee to up the sweetness, but I think the combination of products did not mesh well for my taste buds.  I handed off about half of the unused creamer to my in-laws to try. They are both more of the black-coffee drinker types but will add creamer occasionally. My mother-in-law liked the added flavor and creaminess the creamer added. My father-in-law just shrugged when I asked him his thoughts about the creamer! Ha ha!

All in all, the ID Sugar & Fat Free creamer is worth a try, really, if you are trying to cut your calorie intake and want to try and to that in the coffee creamer area. The flavor is good - and of course all of the regular ID creamers are on my grocery list! Have you tried the Fat & Sugar Free creamer yet? What do you think about it?

* I was not paid by International Delight or BzzAgent for this post. The opinions shared are mine. I did receive a coupon to try the product for free from BzzAgent.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Something New

I'm new to this whole blogging business.  Other than reading other blogs, I am new to creating my own blog.  We shall see how this goes!  Quick introduction - my name is Charity and I love to be crafty and my favorite article of clothing is a cardigan! Hence the title, The Crafty Cardigan.  It fits me to a "T", or should I say cardigan? ;)  I love to be crafty, even more so with the help of Pinterest.  This year I learned how to sew, on top of already scrapbooking, decorating, and painting that I do.  I hope to further develop this blog into something wonderful and unique!  It will take a while as I am involved in two volunteer organizations as well as being employed full-time and taking Graduate classes to get my Master's degree in CSP- College Student Personnel.  I hope to work on this at least once a week, and then more as I get more time. Please grin and bear with me. So sit back, relax, hit refresh, and enjoy!